Safe and Affordable Premium Contraception

In addition to Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCP), Miramont offers injectable DepoProvera, Nexplanon Subcutaneous Contraception, and Intrauterine Devices (IUD’s).


What are IUDs?

An IUD is a simple thin device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It is long term, reversible, and one of the most effective forms of contraception available. There are 5 different brands of IUD’s that are FDA approved. Miramont offers three of these, including the copper IUD, known as Paragard and hormonal IUDs called Mirena and Kyleena.

Paragard protects you from pregnancy with its special copper material and is effective for up to 10 years.

Mirena & Kyleena use the hormone progestin, similar to the hormone progesterone which our bodies make naturally. These are effective for 5-7 years.

IUD’s are most desirable because they are long lasting but not permanent. If you decide you would like to get pregnant, we can easily remove the device. Returning you to your previous state of fertility.

Schedule your consultation now with a Miramont clinician to see what type of contraception is right for you.